Monday, November 23, 2009


It seems only appropriate to express appreciation for all the wonderful things in our lives. It seems this last year was full of lots of stress with Tara and Kurt and baby Jenna. Our hearts were so full and almost broken at times and stretched so many ways, but we should have known God would see us through and our prayers would be answered. We are so grateful for all those who shared their love and prayers for Jenna. There may be a long road ahead, and maybe not, but we have a beautiful little spirit to love and to hold and to watch grow up! They have come through the fire and have been blessed for it. Our other children have all done well, some with life's little difficulties, but also blessed abundantly! Scott and I too have been blessed with a great job opportunity and relocation (if we would get our rears in gear and get done with it!). We went for a ride yesterday and looked at homes in Day Break and the West Jordan area. It does look like a beautiful community that has a city and country feel to it. Imagine that! Eventually we will end up in the West Jordan or Thanksgiving Point area. A compromise from A.F and P.G. and Rio Tinto. Haha. Salina just doesn't quite cut it anymore. Thanks to all for love and support and thanks for the best family possible!

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Deb, thanks so much for supporting us. It has been so awesome to keep in touch and share one anothers burdens. The details for us is a long story. Short, Our son was electricuted while putting out a fire at his work. He has limited use of his left arm and is in a lot of pain. Amongst all the drama he then lost his job.
A lot more going on within our fam. When it rains it pours! You know it! Also... Keep Kathy in your prayers. She just found out Frank has terminal lung cancer. He is 70
We are here in Utah for a short week and Clark has been sick. Flu? Thanks again. Sometime we will catch up with you! XO Sharon