Friday, March 27, 2009

I thought it was time to update our blog. I am back on two feet. That is good! It has taken over 3 months. I am grateful for my family and all they did to help with my recovery. We are trying to clean our house out and get it ready to sell . We have 30 years of life to go through. We will be living in American Fork. I will stay working here for awhile. Katelyn is in Tampa Bay, Florida on a business expo. She was thrilled to go and we are happy for her and for her great job. Ryan is close to the end of his Junior Year in College. What a smart young man he is. His degree is in Computer Science. He will be transferring to Utah Valley University to finish there. Scott is teaching at the same University. I am still working as a nurse at a clinic in Richfield. Our three married daughters- Krista, Amy, and Tara all have blogs on my page. Enjoy seeing our wonderful 7 grandchildren. We are blessed in so many ways.


Sharon said...

Is it good and bad that you're moving? Change is hard especially when you've stayed in one house for your entire marriage. I love the thought of starting fresh. Cleaning out so my kids don't have to! LOL Thanks for your post I will let Mac know. He seem so have high endurance and is doing well. Glad you are doing better. Tell Scott we say hi! Take Care and Good luch with the move. Sharon

Meesh said...

Hey Debi,
Looking through some blogs and came upon yours. So you're finally going to do it and get out of good ole Salina!! I never thought I would but here we are 4 years later. The kids are growing and your grandkids are adorable. Sorry you've been under the weather. Take care. MiShele Shaheen